A Better Life: The Plan

A Better Life: The Plan

So you are convinced you need to do something different with your life, that you want to take action instead of putting things off until tomorrow.  But what if you don’t have it all figured out?  What if you’re not clear on those things to take action on?  Relax, you’re not in the minority on this one.  We get so busy in our day to day lives that many times we don’t stop and think of what we really want to pursue in life.  If you’re prepared to take a few minutes to think about this and come up with some actions, with what essentially will be a plan, keep reading.

My favorite method to plan for a happy life:

  1. Take out a sheet of paper and create three columns on it (a spreadsheet works too)
  2. On the first column write, “Experiences”.  What experiences do you want to have in life?  This could be anything from having a child, to going sky diving, to visiting another country.  Life is a collection of experiences, determining what experiences you want to have determines what life you will lead.
  3. On the second column write, “Growth”.  In order to have all the experiences you listed in the first column, how do you need to grow?  Is there something new you want to learn or become an expert at?  Is there an instrument you want to learn to play or a certain sport?  We as humans have a natural urge to grow, it is a goal in itself, it drives us.
  4. On the third column write, “Giving”.  Considering the experiences and growth you will acquire, how do you want to give back?  Giving is probably the most important column on this sheet.  This is what will give us a sense of accomplishment, of fulfillment.  There will be no greater feeling than taking the experiences you’ve gained and the growth you’ve acquired, and using them to give.

This method comes from Vishen Lakhiani, founder and CEO of Mindvalley.  I encourage you to learn more about his works and accomplishments.  You can search “vishen lakhiani impact theory” to watch what I believe is the best interview of Vishen Lakhiani.

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